If you look back at the last post, the wrap that Chris is wearing with Blueberry in it has become my constant companion. She doesn't like napping unless she's held. She won't go to bed (until very much zonked out of it all!) unless being held.
The wrap is very comfortable. But still! Being able to move without baby strapped to me at all times would be blessing.
So I finally broke down and at one of the local consignment sales this last week, we bought a swing. And it worked like a charm.

That's my work desktop wallpaper. :)
Love.The.Swing! It works like a charm...Heath unfortunately is slightly too heavy now, but it looks like she is just living it. Too cute!
Adorable. And hey, we do what works within the realm of reason to keep our sanity. It's why my students can tell you that they are allowed to work under the table with their shoes off AS LONG AS THEY ARE QUIET!
LOL Amber. I amen that sentiment!
I couldn't agree more: Go with what works!
Can hardly wait to meet you two all over again---now as parents!
Hanna, other than the fabric, that is the same swing that my sister bought for me! If it is the exact same swing, it should recline with a bar on the back of the seat so Charlotte doesn't flop forward as much. You can also use a carseat insert in the swing to help with that as well.
Sometimes a mom has gotta do what a mom has gotta do!
After all, we got a jumper for Davy when he was 3 months old that he would jump in until he passed out and we would leave him there, thankful for the quiet until he woke up and started jumping again!
Ha! Hillery--trust you to have the flopping solution! Thanks :)
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