Monday, February 24, 2014

Dealing with "accidents"--questions

So Blueberry potty trained very nicely and easily when she was a little over two years old. However, at three and a half, we have been dealing with a number of accidents lately--which she almost never had before this. Primarily, it seems to be that she's just so busy playing that she forgets or doesn't think about needing to use the restroom until to late.

But of course there's the questions that go with it.

How does one best respond to these instances?

I mean, the first few, we just dealt and moved on, no big deal. But it keeps happening.

I don't want to make a huge deal about it because I don't want it to become some kind of complex thing. But at the same time, going through several pairs of panties in a day is really hard on the laundry, never mind the mess, etc.

Of course I "should" remind her frequently, and I try to. But when I'm bouncing around from kid to kid in our crazy, current group of nine, it's easy to forget (insert large load of mom-guilt here).

Or is this simply a phase she will grow out of, and I need to just not worry about it, keep reminding her to go potty when I think about it, reinforce going right away and not waiting, and just let it go?

Friday, February 21, 2014

7 Quick Takes (Vol. 32)

#1 - Recently I wrote a post of confession about how I get frustrated with church sometimes in this stage of life, dealing with littles etc. I was uplifted to read this post "Dear Mom in the Church Nursery" from Intentional by Grace about how she struggles with similar feelings, but also the attitude she has taken about it. Nice to know I'm not alone, and good to hear this great viewpoint.

#2 - Editing question...when one is referring to the title of a specific post on a blog, is it correct to put it in quotes? Or should it be italicized and the blog itself be underlined? And why do I care? Because I'm an editor, and such things bother me. Must be done correctly! I don't believe there is yet a blogging, style guide. Maybe that should be my future. And at last I shall make my fortune and retire from this life of crime.

#3 - Speaking of blogs, when I was writing my recent post on my 2014 reads thus far, I faced a conundrum regarding a book I'm reading online, in post-by-post format. I mean, I certainly didn't record all of the blogs that I read on a regular basis. But this is technically a book, not just a blog, although it's also just a regular post that is part of a full blog about much more than just the book. And the author just happens to be Robin McKinley (see--one of my favorite published authors of many years). And since she is a published and even lauded author, should her book that she's publishing post by post (every Saturday--chapter by chapter--the torture is painful), count towards my books that I'm reading? Such a dilemma.  Oh, and for those who might be intrigued, the book's name--well, the post's name at least--is Kes.


#4 -  Does anyone know where I can buy Kombucha online for an affordable price? I'm mourning my cheap Drug Emporium shop in Little Rock where I could buy it. And currently the only place I can find it is in the Whole Foods in Charlotte, but that's a good 30 minute drive away, and I just don't have time very often (good for the pocketbook, not good for my kombucha desires).


#5 -  So I am taking on a desire I have had for many years. I have decided that it is time for me to learn to sew my own clothes--or my children's clothes as the case may be. I'm taking it slowly because my realistic side understands that I don't have a lot of time to be dedicating to major new projects right now. But there's another side of me that realizes that this is my life and if I don't grasp at some of these dreams now, I will never do them. And the job part of my life (especially given that we work for three weeks at a time!), cannot have full priority or I will lose my mind. So I'm consciously working towards giving myself time this year.


#6 - What else does this include? Picking up playing the piano again. Striving to scrapbook regularly. And working on writing these blogs regularly--hoping that this will eventually lead to some more creative writing as well. Lots to do, sure. But the different things work nicely for different situations, which is  a bonus.


#7 -  Chris and I have been working very hard this week cleaning up the last room of our move. There is a spare room in the cottage that could be a bedroom, but we're not going to use it as such as our numbers are eight maximum. The plan is to make it into a playroom (or possibly a crafting room is a thought I've had...), but for the last few months, it has stored the last of our moving mess. Getting it sorted and organized, and hopefully next week (although it might be a bit longer than that), and we can start redoing the room for utilization. Which of course means that we've been sorting through more boxes and stuff and getting rid of some things, storing others, and a few I've even put out in the cottage. After all, I hate for some of the things i love to just sit in a box for years because our little bitty house cannot hold them. So why not put them to good use for everyone to enjoy?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Books of 2014

1. Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery. An oldie but a goodie. I've loved this book since I was in my early teens. And I still enjoy it. One of these feel-good reads with the beautiful charm that is Montgomery.

2. Jane of Lantern Hill - L. M. Montgomery. Also a re-read. Since I was in a Montgomery mood, I enjoyed revisiting another book many times read.

3-9. The Alliance series (7 books) - Lisa Nicodemus-Lyons - an excellent Christian, fantasy book series written by my mother-in-law! But, I have to say, despite the familial relationship, it truly is a well-written series and worth reading. A good balance between good writing, good story, and strong Christian values.

10-12. The Divergent series - Veronica Roth - I finally have gotten around to reading this series. And I must say, it was worth every second of it. Brilliantly written, amazing world. And to have an author not unwilling to do what needs to be done to make the book work--love it.

13. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Doyle - We've been watching the new Sherlock Holmes series on TV. While I've read most of the stories before, it was many years ago, and I enjoyed rereading these, especially seeing how they morphed a few of the stories to fit the new modern day look at Sherlock.


1. To Live is Christ - Beth Moore - Fascinating insight into the life Paul. I really enjoyed her cultural analysis alongside the basic Scripture.

2. The Midwife is Here - Linda Fairley - Great read. All about the life of a woman who started her midwife career in the late 1960's and served as a midwife for 40 years. The book ends after her first few years as a full midwife, and there is a second one which I will definitely be picking up one of these days. Love the look into the methods used at the time and the world view she started under (especially as she contrasts it to current methods).

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Daybook February 12, 2014

Outside my a blanket of snow. As this is our first real snow-fall of the season, it's lovely to see. But I really don't mind that we haven't suffered through the snow the rest of the country has dealt with this winter.

I am thinking...of loss. Friends of our have lost a mentor and a friend. It's hard to not be able to help in times like these, other than the prayers that can hopefully be felt, if not be tangibly held.

I am thankful for...being off work this week. North Carolina is way worse than Springfield in regards to handling weather. Two weeks ago we had our first "snow." And by "snow," I refer to a vague dusting that was melted the next day. However, it cost us an early release from school on the Tuesday, two missed days, and then a late start on the Friday, it made for a very long week. As we're repeating that pattern this week (at least it seems to be a little more legitimate though!), I'm glad to be off.

From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...Baby Q is walking with greater confidence. Which is a little frightening as he's also climbing. Which means he's climbing and walking and getting into everything. Blueberry, on the other hand, is taking on the world of imagination with a vengeance. She's very good at luring other kids into her play worlds as well, which is fun.

I am wearing...pajamas. Because it's my pajama day while off.

I am creating...plans for exploring Charlotte and surrounding areas. Also, need to find some easy hiking for my dad when he visits. Not that he needs easy hiking, but it would be nice to go together.

I am going...nowhere. Unless it's to go back out and play in the snow tomorrow.

In my mailbox today.. .nothing because I didn't check it! However, we have received several birthday cards and gifts for Baby Q lately. Always exciting.

I am reading.. .My mother-in-law's book series: The Alliance, and enjoying it greatly. Buy it. It's worth it.

I am pay another good chunk against Chris' student loan this month. We'll find out tomorrow.

I am hearing...the distant echo of the TV next door. Other than that, some blissful silence. I was enjoy the other-worldly peace of the snow falling earlier.

Around the house...things are looking up. They were rather messy the last few days; progress (and therefore tidiness) has returned.

One of my favorite things...roses from my husband. An early Valentine's day gift, so we could enjoy them all week.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
  • do the budget
  • go shopping for Valentine's day for the children
  • relax
  • Scrapbook
  • make a few phone calls
  • Skype my parents (ahem)
  • read to and play with my children
  • hang with my hubby
  • eat Thai food
  • get physicals for the kids

Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

My children: apparently anti-snow. Must take after their Papa.

Want to join in? Go check out The Simple Woman's Daybook.

Six More Months of Shuffle and Change

The last post I wrote was July 2018. We were settling into routine, finding a groove, and trying to fit our family of five into a two-bedroo...