Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And we have more ice

Having lived in the great mid-west for eight years now, the first six years deluded me into thinking that winters are actually mild and moderate around here. HA! The last two years have taught me better. Once again, we have an ice-storm. Not quite as bad as last year's storm, but still quite a storm!

Chris got Monday and Tuesday off of work (well, technically, he went to work on Monday and it was cancelled after about 45 minutes and he went to work today and realized that they had emailed and cancelled work the night before!). I got off work Monday and had a late start today. Fortunately, we have not lost our power, so that is a great blessing - especially considering several thousand people here in town have yet again lost power.
We haven't rescued anybody this time; however, we did put out extra seed for the birds and have become very popular with them!

Our leaning bush which I hope will one day stand up-right again.

One of our feathery little friends.

Note the ice cycles on the fence.

1 comment:

Amber said...

And now, we may be due for more. Blah!

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