*For those of you who are now scandalized that Blueberry's Daddy would be so quickly corrupting our innocent child, allow me to share an insite into my husband. When he enjoys something, he wants to share it. And in particular, when he likes/loves somebody, he wants to share his passions with them. So for him, being excited about sharing a game that he enjoys so greatly with his daughter is simply him wanting to bond and spend time with her. Because spending time with someone is one of his love languages.
On the second day of Blueberry the grandparents and great-grandparents and the aunts and the uncles came and met the little bundle: "Awwwww...."

Blueberry holding her Great-Grandmama's finger
On the third day of Blueberry the puppies questioned me: "What is that?! Can we lick it? Why is it here?"
On the fourth day of Blueberry, she queried me: "Why am I in a box?" and then promptly put her best foot forward for a berry photo-op.
On the fifth day of Blueberry, my true love said to me: "I couldn't wait to get off work to see my girls!"

On the sixth day of Blueberry, Nana put out the Blueberry laundry:
On the tenth day of Blueberry, she put her feet up to just relax and be...

On the eleventh day of Blueberry, Daddy sacked out with Blueberry on the couch and the puppies decided it was a good idea as well.
Love it, Ouphgirl! Thanks for sharing! Call me sometime when you're not napping so you can tell me all about the birth and your delish little Blueberry.
Simply lovely and oh so precious! Love the pic with your dad. Just one little helful hint. . . In the picture of you with Charlotte in the sling, you have the sling on slightly wrong. The section where the rings attach is meant to cup your shoulder, not be up around your neck. It can impair arm movement a bit, but when you let it go near your neck, you will hate wearing it! The rings should be up high, almost at your shoulder and the section of fabric before the stitching should cup your shoulder itself. Hope that helps! And it looks great, by the way!
super lolz post!
10 outta 10 for awesomeness.
(Look, I'm embracing text speech!)
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