I am thinking...that the next few months are shaping up to be ridiculously busy ones. I'm also thinking about commitments and what constitutes healthy commitments and how some commitments--while not bad in and of themselves are not necessarily good for certain times of our lives.
I am thankful for...a good night of sleep last night. Went to sleep by 9:30, Chris was wonderful and stayed up through Blueberry's last feed of the night (generally around 10:30ish), brought her to me, took her back to bed when she was done. End result, other than getting up for a 4am feed, I slept until 7:30 this morning. Utter bliss.
From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...comes tongue curling! Her latest trick has been to curl her tongue up backwards. And then smile. Apparently I did the same thing as a baby. It is rather amusing.
From the kitchen...comes a mess. Need to go clean. In a minute. Creations from the mess include khao pad (Thai fried rice--made for the church potluck today--the last of which I'm currently eating out of the rice cooker as I type!), khao dom (Thai rice porridge. Never tried it before. Really easy and really good!), banana bread, and several other yummy meals currently waiting to be consumed in the form of leftovers. Still need to make GF banana bread and some regular bread for me. And seriously having chocolate cravings. Maybe some brownies need to be on the menu.
Blueberry has been loving bananas this last week. So far we've had avocado (really likes--great squishiness), pear (still not entirely sure on that one, which I find amusing as I sometimes think I'm not entirely sure on whether or not I truly like pear), and banana (loved a lot). Tried rice cereal and until this morning have had no success at this; however, I mixed up banana with it and that seemed a little more palatable to her. Must say I don't really blame her too much on not liking the rice cereal--bit nasty tasting I thought.
I am wearing...sweats currently. Just changed from my nice Sunday clothes.
I am creating...plans for my square foot garden. Yup! I'm finally going to do it. Make an attempt at a vegetable garden. Pray for me--or the plants--they might need it!
I am going...to get a couple of baby gifts this week. Very important baby gift needs. One in particular is a result of much prayer and has come into some friends lives with much rejoicing!
I am reading.. . lots of L'Engle. Back on an author kick again. Need to start Atlas Shrugged as my husband keeps bugging me about it.
I am hoping...to suddenly get a spurt of energy when I finish this blog. So far things aren't looking good.
I am hearing...the wind blowing outside and silence. Blueberry down for a nap as is her daddy.
Around the house...things are feeling more orderly. At least for now. Started back into my Fly Lady concepts last week (with some modifications), and I'm feeling good about it.
One of my favorite things...the caress of baby fingers.
A few plans for the rest of the week: continue keeping up with my Fly Ladying (was doing really good last week!), few errands, hopefully Skype with a good friend, some friends over Friday night, and a 30th!!!!!! birthday celebration Saturday (for yours truly). My birthday is not until Monday, but Mondays are awkward days (in my opinion).
Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

For the full look see my other blog: My Life in Scraps
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