Outside my window...it is a cold, dark night. The Christmas lights from the other cottages are twinkling. We got some Christmas decorations out on the outside of our cottage, but one of major attempts failed and we finally gave up, called it good enough for this year, and now know what we need for next.
I am thinking...about 2012, what it might bring, what I desire to aim for, and how different it shall be from 2011.
I am thankful for...friends and family coming to see us. The next few days will be crazy with various friends (2 sets) and siblings (2 sets) all coming to see us. Spread out, which is nice, but all within a few days of each other. Very happy as these are the first visitors we've had since we've been here (with the exception of my baby sister for one night back in September).
From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...the words just keep flowing. "
Owie" is one of the funnier, cute ones currently. Chris got a cut on his hand and kept pointing at it, saying "
Owie". She caught on fast--and continues to use it. One thing we are going through is getting into temper tantrums. Still trying to figure out how best to deal with these. And a little frustrating as I know some of these tantrums are simply brought on by the fact that her sleep schedule has been completely thrown off these last few weeks, and she's tired.
From the kitchen...comes a severe shortage of Christmas baking. I have stuff I want to do, but just not a whole lot done. The girls did help me make peanut butter balls this afternoon, so at least it's something!
I am wearing...yoga pants, a junk shirt, socks, and a towel on my head. Love baths. I am creating...a new year letter. I've accepted defeat on the Christmas part!
I am going...to explore an Asian market that I just found about that exists here in town. And a Thai restaurant! Things are looking up!
In my mailbox today.. .fun packages full of gifts for others and presents from other people for us and Blueberry. And many Christmas cards. And shoes for Blueberry as she managed to outgrow every pair of shoes she owned in about two days. As in, they would no longer fit on her feet--she would scream at me when trying!
I am reading.. . the
"Little Maid of..." books (e-version) by Alice Curtis. Quite good; although, I do feel like sometimes these girls get into adventures and then never have consequences for their bad choices that led to the adventures because they save the day. Otherwise, they are good books!
I am hoping...that I can finish getting the preparations done for our two little ones coming next next week without too much stress or distraction from spending time with my family. So far so good...but ever the organizer, the nagging feeling of it not being completely done is irritating me! Have I mentioned these little ones? Ages 2 and 4, we're going to have a house full of toddlers!
I am hearing...Chris coughing. We've both been sick for the last week, but his cough is particularly frustrating.
Around the house...things are looking quite nice. Not perfect but home it is becoming.
One of my favorite things...the tiny little lazy boy we bought Blueberry for Christmas. It was part of a random monetary gift given to us. One of those splurges I really wanted to get but probably wouldn't have except for being handed a chunk of change with the instructions to buy something for ourselves/her.
A few plans for the rest of the week: finish my Christmas shopping? Hang out with friends and family.
Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

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