Friday, December 23, 2011

7 Quick Takes (vol. 24) - Pictures Style

My December Thus Far--In Picture Summary

My little helper....complete with temper tantrum-prelude face.
#1 -


#2 - Had a birthday party first thing this month. Like my Hello Kitty cake?

Decorating for Christmas with decorations you've not bought is interesting. One never knows what might be lurking in a box. Both good and bad.
#3 -


There is a beautiful botanical garden in town covered in Christmas lights. Blueberry was charmed by the "duck"

#4 -


#5 - Yes, that is my child in a cage. No, we did not put her there. It just happens to be one of her favorite places to play. Calista, fortunately, does not protest sharing her space.

Blueberry at a band concert for one of her "big sisters". Little Miss Independence insisted on sitting on the bleacher steps a few seats away from us, and spent the whole concert munching on her marshmallow, clapping at the end of songs, and showing everybody her "pretty" in her hair.
#6 -

We celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year by all three of us getting sick. Fortunately we have a better celebration planned for later in the year; although, it would be nice to get a date night one of these days. Need to find a babysitter here.

Picture is thanks to my Mum who actually has scanned lots of old(er) pictures into her computer and is nice enough to share. One of these days I shall get our wedding photos scanned. Until then--here we go!
#7 -

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