Monday, August 20, 2012

Daybook August 8 2012

Outside my window...It is warm but not as exhaustively hot as it has been. It's amazing how low 90s can feel almost cool when you've been over 100 every day over months.

I am much I love school schedule with this job. This summer was fun, but the girls went back to school this morning, and I will not lie. I did a happy dance :)

I am thankful for...beating baby hearts. Had my midwife appointment today. Such a beautiful sound to hear that heart beating. Need to go and get my blood tests, etc done at the health department in the next week or two. And (more important, imo!) get our ultrasound scheduled! May baby cooperate and tell us what s/he is.

From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...comes puzzles! I've done them with Blueberry in the past, but today for the first time she was just flying through puzzles on her own--getting the pieces to fit correctly, naming all the animals, etc. Very proud of her.

From the kitchen...comes a pile of vines from grapes. Blueberry has been learning how to separate the grape from the vine. Very proud of herself. I also made brownies. They smell good. May have to go make some gluten free ones as these are most definitely not. she just threw all the vines away in the trash without being asked. This I can approve of!

I am wearing...brown maternity pants and a red maternity top. Been buying some new nursing/maternity clothes as my wardrobe has fallen into desperate time. Very happy with what I have.

I am routines for the girls again. Got a few weeks to get them back into rhythm before we abandon them for our vacation. Lots of prayer there. It makes me nervous leaving the cottage for so long. Hopefully we're not going to be doing major interventions or rehashing old topics when we return. However, I shall not worry about while on vacation! Just before. And maybe on the plane back!

In my mailbox today.. .was some things my Mum ordered that I need to take to England for her and the last of the maternity shirts I ordered. And an extra addition of my Living Without magazine which is making me suspicious. Need to see what's going on with that. We've had a number of fun things arriving lately including new suitcases (our old ones are ripped, not zipping, and, well, 12 years old!)--8lbs each. Very excited about this fact. They're so light that when I picked up the box from the office, the guy who gave them to me wouldn't believe they were check-in size suitcases!

I am reading.. .Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. Really good.

I am finish this and get it posted before the girls get home.

I am hearing...Blueberry telling me "I see!" as she wants to watch me type on the computer (it's my 15 minutes of down time before the girls come home). She's also jabbering about Calista, the vines she threw away in the trash ("ewie away. all gone!") with the occasional outbreak of song in between.

Around the house...Things feel messy. One of the reasons I'm glad the girls are back in school is it actually gives us time to get something done around our personal apartments. When they're here 24/7, it's hard to get anything done! However, a little bit at a time, and this should be cleared up. Yay. Been sorting through Blueberry's clothes--she has, ahem, finally outgrown all of her 12 month clothes. The shirts still fit her waist/arms, but they're getting a little short, so I finally decided to just pack up all the 12 month clothes and pull out the 24 month and see where the wardrobe stands between the combo 18/24 month clothing. I can't complain, I got a year out of her 12 month clothes! Dresses have definitely gotten too short--she's shot up again the last few weeks.

One of my favorite things...that our girls have decided that our names are no longer Mr and Ms with a first name attached but Mama Hanna (or even just plain old Mama) and Papa C. They were very sweet and oh so nervous about asking permission to call us that (what were we going to say--no?!), but it felt good being asked. And much less formal than this Mr/Ms business!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Tidy! Enjoy some free time with my family. Get caught up on some projects. Make my list for England to see if there's anything else I need to buy. The countdown is 33 days!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!! I'm excited. Can you tell?

Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

Blueberry in her Thai outfit Nana sent her for her birthday. So cute!


Want to join in? Go check out The Simple Woman's Daybook.

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