Tuesday, February 5, 2013

41 Weeks and Contractions Continue

It's been a long week. A really long week. Baby Q is still hanging in there, refusing to come out. He had a salsa party the other morning, so he's obviously happy and enjoying himself, which is good. In the meantime, contractions continue pretty regularly.

I have learned more about Prodromal labor than I ever thought I would ever care to know. In the meantime, I do what I can to keep my energy levels up. The emotional side of this is rather draining; the not knowing when this is going to switch from this incessant discomfort/pain to actual labor. Plus the frustration of watching time slip away that I want to be enjoying physically holding and getting to know my baby. It just gets exhausting.

I find I alternate between activity, particularly that which might convince him to make his way out to the rest of the world, and resting/lazying. Mentally it is hard to focus on other things; although, I have done my best to do so.

There has been some unexpected grace given to us by various sources, which has brought a sense of relief in the midst of craziness. After such a relatively simple pregnancy, such an unexpected end has really thrown me. Every gift of support has brought with it a strong sense of gratitude. 

In God's hands. I have nowhere else to place it all.

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