Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Daybook - July 9, 2014

Outside my window...the sun is glaring down and the humidity is rising. Looks like we're due for our weekly cooldown storm--or at least it seems to go this way--build up of heat and then a storm to cool it down nicely for a day or two. I hope this pattern continues.

I am thinking...about what to do with my wedding dress which is currently residing in a box under my bed. I'm about 90% determined to donate it to Angel Gowns. I feel like it gives my dress some purpose and also honors my own angel. Now just to decide when.

I am thankful life as it is. My crazy, busy, challenging, silly, purpose-filled life.

From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...

  • Baby Z has distinctly mastered the word, definition, and all nuances thereof: "No!"  Also, a very clear statement of "All done."
  • Blueberry is taking her first non-Mommy taught ballet class this week. I will admit. I teared up a little.

From the kitchen...I just tried a new chicken recipe (thanks mom-in-law!): Sweet Garlic Chicken. Very tasty. Olive oil, garlic, and brown sugar over baked chicken. Yum. Thumbs up from the girls.

I am wearing...a green skirt, tan shirt, with my favorite airplane necklace--a gift from my wanderlusting baby sis.

I am creating...cow costumes. Because it's that special time of year--get a free meal from Chic-fil-a if you dress like a cow. Love it! Nothing like forcing tweens out of their comfort zones by the lure of free food. And I don't have to cook. Even better.

I am going...back and forth a lot lately. The studio is about 10 minutes drive from our house, and as we're working this week, Blueberry doing a class every morning has required some finagling. But it is well worth it.

In my mailbox today.. .a paperbackswap book. Love that program. According to their records I've saved over $211 in books over the last few years. And I'll believe it. I've compared prices with trading books in book stores, but generally this is a better deal.

I am reading.. . all my blogs I enjoy. I've been behind for awhile--slowly catching up again. Found this link via Simple Mom. Fascinating insight into travel; a perspective I've never really ever considered before.

I am buy plane tickets soon. Important plane tickets. Plane tickets that allow me to go home for the first time in depressingly too long. Just looking for the right price! Thailand--here we come!

I am hearing...Doctor Who playing. Turning our girls into nerds, one step a time, lol.

One of my favorite new kindle! My old one was beginning to give me fits, so my Christmas present has come early this year (along with a substantial amount of my allowance the next few months lol). The updates they've done are substantial compared to the original kindle I have. Loving my  new toy!

A few plans for the rest of the week: 
  • roller skating
  • free summer movie
  • farmer's market on Saturday
  • Dress like a cow day at Chic-fil-A
  • church
  • possible library trip this week--we'll see how the books are coming
  • and the usual playing in sprinklers, video games, art projects, reading, writing, teasing, laughing, cooking, board games, devotions, and living

Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

 What happens when daddy goes shopping with the kidlets.

Want to join in? Go check out The Simple Woman's Daybook.

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