We sat and played cards and chatted for the hour and half until midnight rolled around, waited in line for about 45 more minutes, and then returned back to my house - book in hand - to begin our final HP journey. For those of you who don't know our history with this book...
When we were roommates at Evangel, we were hearing all sorts of things about the HP books. From a lot of people that they were horrible, evil books, and from the schools we were doing practicums in...that they were amazing. We finally decided that we needed to settle this once and for all and actually have a properly formed opinion. At the time, only four books were out. Together we read the first four books along with several Christian books/websites analyzing the stories etc and we both (a) fell in love with the stories and (b) both had issues with the majority of arguments being made over them. If you ever want to know my reasons on that, feel free to ask and I'll explain...
Any ways, when book five came out, we both had copies and seperately read them, staying up till about 3am in the morning to do so. Both of us were dying to talk to someone else about what was going on in the books, but as we didn't know the other was up, didn't have the opporutnity. Later that week, we were discussing reading them and realized that we had been up at the same time, and determined that with the last two we should just make it all much easier and read them together. So book 6 we went at midnight, picked up our copies, and read all night.
And tonight, armed with much chocolate and fruit, we finished out our tradition and finished off the last book together (admittedly, Amber's still reading as I write this - yes, I know - I'm a speed-reader, I can't help it!). Any who...I am now very, very sleepy, and very satisfied with the ending to the series.
But truthfully, the part that really means the most to me is having shared this with one of my best-friends from start to finish. Are we crazy for having stayed up all night? Quite possibly...we're definitely not as young as we were in college!!! Will I ever do this for another book series? Probably not. But it was worth it!

Taken at 7am after we had been up all night...

The stuff to keep us going!

My Amber
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