Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I have a cubicle!

Now, for many of you, this may seem like a very natural, normal part of life. However, for me, I have entered a brand-new world. I started my job yesterday...a normal(ish) 9-5 (well, 8 to 4:30) kind of job where I do my work and what doesn't get done gets done the next day. No lesson planning, no grading, no extra meetings and's a very weird feeling. I was stressing out on Monday - the day before I started - because I hadn't done anything to prepare for this job. Normally, I'm used to weeks of prior cleaning, lesson planning, copying, meetings, etc...but for this, I got up in the morning, got dressed, went to work, and that was it. Definitely one of the oddest things for me, however, is this concept of having a cubicle. I kind of like it...still my own space, but unlike my classroom, not so much space that I sometimes get overwhelmed with what to do with it all! Nor am I trying to cram in 35 students every block; which, when I think about it, is a really good thing because there's no way they would all fit!

I do like my new position, thus far, although I did wind up with a ghastly headache yesterday trying to take it all in! I don't really see it as a career position in which I want to spend the rest of my life, but at the same time, the girl I'm working with is lovely, and all in all, I think I will be happy with my time here. A little bit of social work, lots of self-monitored stuff (particularly once I actually know what I'm doing), some data entry stuff, lots of problem solving, and even some text-book publishing! We'll see where it all takes me, but for now, I sit content. And the best part, I have yet to hear any foul language...for those of you who have never had to work in an environment similar to what I have experienced the last few years...not having to hear the "f" word and other such pleasant morsals every few words is a great relief!

The other funny thing is that there are three sets of missionaries working here currently all from the Northwest district (i.e. Washington), all of whom have known my family - and thereby me - since I was a little girl! Since missionaries are my favorite people in the world to be around, this makes me very happy!

1 comment:

almamater said...

Congrats on the new job; sounds like you are in the right place for now!

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Six More Months of Shuffle and Change

The last post I wrote was July 2018. We were settling into routine, finding a groove, and trying to fit our family of five into a two-bedroo...