So, for the next 22 months of our lives, his schooling is our focus. Basically ever Thursday (he gets the occasional odd break here and there but very few) from 6 to 10, he is in class. Each class lasts 5 weeks and then he switches classes and starts all over again. So, needless to say, he's going to be very busy in the days off because he's got between 10 to 20 hours of homework every week.
To celebrate this momentous transition, I felt he really needed something to lift his spirits. Get him properly outfited for school so that he could feel confident.
So I bought him a spiderman lunchbox.
And filled it with school supplies.
Just to make him laugh because I can.

That is such a teacher thing to do! It's in your blood I tell you :)
That totally cracks me up.
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