However, if you've paid attention to the baby ticker at the top of my blog, you will notice that we've traveled back in time two weeks. My due date has been reestimated to be August 17 instead of August 4. As this is closer to the date that I thought it should be, I'm actually okay with this change. Although it was a little sad to have hit the half way point and then have to go back two weeks!
Here's Blueberry's first picture. You can just see her little hand all scrunched up by her face.

I think the ultrasound lady (I have no idea what the technical name for that position is) thought Chris and I were just weird because we had, of course, to have our fun with the whole procedure. He was making comments about how the pictures of her spine made her look like this weird creature from the Matrix, and I was commenting on how one picture of something looked like an alien. At which point the lady made a comment about how Blueberry wasn't going to cooperate and give us a good picture of her face if we kept picking on her. But then Blueberry started waving one of her hands around and with the angle we were at, it looked like she was waving at us. So I think she got over it. And so Chris proceeded to point out that it looked like she had 7 toes on one foot :)
But in all actuality, I think she's beautiful and adorable and I'm very, very happy with my little girl.
It all seems so much more real now. I'm going to be a mommy.
You'll be the best mommy and daddy little Blueberry could ever have.
I'm sooo excited!!! Little girl already has amazing parents :)
Yes, I completely understand how it feels to know you are so far and then have to go back two weeks. It's like you are doing the two weeks all over again...
It does make it feel so much more real doesn't it? I feel like I am now bonding with my little one and spend a lot more time with my hands on my belly feeling her kick and imagining holding her. Hopefully Blueberry will be kicking you hard soon! Any day now! (with your due date changed it makes sense that you didn't feel distinct kicks yet, it also depends on your placenta placement)
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