Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Outside my window...it is dark and chilly outside. We keep getting tantalizing glimpses of spring, and then it slips back into chilly days that I don't appreciate. However, the glimpses grow longer with each passing time, so hope is still there.

I am thinking...that I had a fun day today, but am so ready to go to bed. Took all of our girls (and my parents who are visiting) to the zoo today. Sadly little Blueberry was not feeling well, so she didn't enjoy herself as much as she usually does. However, I think the rest had a good time.

I am thankful for...a baby boy who sleeps like an angel and really is a very calm, young man. He gets mad when he's wet or dirty or hungry, and occasionally when he's feeling abandoned and needs mommy to hold him. Otherwise, he sleeps beautifully and is just very calm and happy--despite his grumpy, old-man faces he likes to make!

From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...comes songs and songs and more songs from little Miss Blueberry. Today it was the alphabet song. I didn't even realize she knew all the letters and words to the alphabet song. Apparently she does.

From Baby Q it is smiles. Not all the time yet, but when he's feeling particularly relaxed and happy, out pops the most adorable little grin ever. Have not yet succeeded in capturing it on camera yet--hope to do so soon.

From the kitchen...came a turkey on Sunday that has translated into soup and sandwiches so far. Looking at some other recipes to turn the leftovers into.

I am wearing...jeans and a nursing top. However, the jeans are my pre-pregnancy jeans, so that's good.

I am creating...letters, more journals really, via Blogger for my son and daughter.

I am going...to bed. Very soon! We'll see if I actually manage to finish this blog tonight...

In my mailbox today.. .was a skirt that I ordered a few weeks ago. Need to try it on and double-check it fits. We've had all sorts of fun and exciting packages lately. The joys of new babies...they bring lots of mail!

I am reading.. .The Cherry Ames books. Well, some of them any ways. They had a great sale the other day on Amazon Kindle for a lot of books, and I got the first eight books for a total of $5.98. I decided it was well worth the price, especially as I hope Blueberry will enjoy them some day. And in the meantime, I've enjoyed the dive back into these classics.

I am hoping...to get some good sleep tonight. We'll see. Can we pull a four hour stretch? Maybe? That would be bliss.

I am hearing.. Chris playing a video game. And blissful silence otherwise. All children asleep and well.

Around the house...I have various and assorted projects that need seeing to and various and assorted things that need to be put away. Piling up. Dislike this. Must take care of items.

One of my favorite things...watching my parents with their grandchildren. Very satisfying.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Go off duty tomorrow night. Continue to hang out and enjoy my precious time with my parents.

Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

Want to join in? Go check out The Simple Woman's Daybook.

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