Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Outside my another wet and cold day. Monday was gorgeous. Low 70's, lots of sunshine. And then my parents left and we went back to cold and wet. I'm ready for Spring.

I am thinking...that you know you're a mom with a newborn when you can't find the baby monitor and finally decide to look in the fridge because, at this point in time, that's a completely logical place to look for something you have misplaced.

*For the record, it was not actually in the fridge. Still haven't found it, incidentally.

I am thankful for...wonderful parents. They arrived, we enjoyed our time, and now they are gone. And I am sad. But it was a great visit, and I'm glad they finally got a chance to see where/how we live now. Now to figure out when we get to see them again...

From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...Baby Q is smiling and kicking and trying to roll over and holding his head up like a champ. Blueberry is two and a half. Need I say more?! Seriously though, her imagination has taken off and is a beautiful thing to see. Boots serving as ice-cream cones, doggy participating in all sorts of games and randomness. It's great. And frequently gets interrupted by a large dose of the two's.

From the kitchen...came another GF/DF chocolate pie for Easter. For some reason I had too much filling for the pie, so I ate the leftover filling today as pudding. Yum. We also had lamb and Yorkshire pudding (GF of course) for Easter--yum. With Lamb Curry the next day to use up the leftovers. Doubly yum.

I am pre-pregnancy jeans (yay!), and a blue nursing top that I really like and am sad because it somehow got some bleaching agent on it and has a weird streak in places. Very irritating.

I am creating...I don't know. I feel like I have a lot of ideas at my finger-tips right now but very little that I'm actually doing. In the midst of doing a whole lot. Hmmm...must consider this question in greater depth.

I am get Baby announcements and thank you cards out. I am! This week! I Am! I Am!

In my mailbox today.. .not a whole lot. A bill. Very boring.

I am reading.. .nothing. That's a scary statement. I really have no book right now that I'm reading. Wow. That's got to be a first in several years.

I am someday feel organized again. Oh, and to finish my taxes! I started them several weeks ago and never finished. Aaah!

I am hearing...the wail of my two-year old who just woke up from her nap. Sigh. Sleep my child and peace attend thee....I'm not ready to get thee.

Around the house...I feel off-kilter and disorganized. Honestly a lot of that (besides the whole having a newborn) is having had visitors for several weeks on top of crazy busyness when we've been on duty--lots of meetings and unplanned turns of events. Makes it difficult to tackle other things when I find myself with limited non-busy time that normally I end up using for a bit of break instead of dealing with the various and assorted projects that need handling.

One of my favorite things...when my Baby Q is happily nursing away, staring at me out of his big blue eyes, pulls off, grins, and promptly goes back to eating. So cute!

A few plans for the rest of the week: I'm skipping this one. My brain doesn't want to process this right now!

Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

I love how doggy always has to be a part of every experience in Blueberry's life. I also love the fact that she's gone from wailing in fear at the Chik-fil-a cow a few months ago to fully embracing the Easter bunny now!

Want to join in? Go check out The Simple Woman's Daybook.

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