Saturday, April 21, 2012

Outside my window...the sun is brilliantly shining. Looks like a lovely day out there. Just perfect for some housework :)

I am thinking...that we go off duty tomorrow and what all I need to get done before we do so.

I am thankful for...little voices and big girls voices in my life. And for days off where I get to spend time with just one little voice.

     The dynamics of the cottage with little Butterfly are quite interesting. Normally our apartments are  off limits to the big girls (with occasional exceptions, but those are specifically designated by us). However, Butterfly--at the age of two--doesn't fall under those rules (our choice). She and Blueberry play so much together, and she is with me so much that it would be impossible to keep the separation there. It's good for Blueberry as she's learning how to play and share with someone else--even if she might disagree with that statement. Although the delighted way she and Butterfly greeted each other this morning was encouraging to hear. While we do "pass down" Butterfly to the relief house parents when we go off duty, it's always a little weird just because of how much 1 on 1 interaction I do normally have with her. She finally does seem to be making true bonds with both Christopher and I which is nice, but is definitely going to be hard if the day comes for her to leave. Although that is true of most of our girls.

From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...words continue to explode. It's almost impossible to keep up now. Lots of two word sentences: "I want" "Lale pancakes". But mostly still one word statements--just a lot of them. Her fear of flies is rather hysterical if somewhat frustrating. She woke up from a dead sleep yesterday afternoon because a fly was buzzing around and I had to go rescue her to frantic wails of "Fly! Fly! Fly!" We've tried to make bugs in general a nonchalant or interesting thing, and it's worked with some things, but she is definitely my daughter with a deep-seated, instinctual fear of spiders or pieces of lint that might be spiders (or flies). Fly's I don't fear, they just annoy me.

From the kitchen...comes Saturday morning pancakes. Since the big girls are all still asleep, I went ahead and made GF version for Blueberry, Butterfly, and myself. I'll work on round two of breakfast in a little while.

I am wearing...pjs as of yet. Need to go get dressed but enjoying a few minutes of quiet expression. Skirt and top most likely.

I am creating...ideas for gardens. The cottage as a whole needs some serious gardening work/look--it's just not very pretty on the outside. And our little backyard area definitely needs something. Thoughts are wandering through my brain, now to put them into action.

I am be working very hard today! Saturday's always are hard days around here. Not bad, just so busy for us--even if we have a lazier day for the cottage as a whole. I always crash hard at night.

In my mailbox this week.. .not a whole lot. Been rather a pathetic week for mail. However, I did get an email from my dad saying he ordered Blueberry a book about the Lake District which should be coming soon--so I'll just look forward to that instead!

I am reading.. .The Secret Holocaust Diaries which are the diaries of Nonna Lisowskaja Bannister--a Russian woman who lived through the Holocaust. It's interesting because she is NOT Jewish but rather was conscripted into the work camps of Germany as a Russian child. The perspective and stories are at times just as brutal but at other times show a life of joy and a glimpse at the pre-war world of Russia that is absolutely fascinating.

I am get a makeup trip to Austin scheduled soon. Have a phone call to make and arrangements to work out with our reliefs.

I am hearing...two little forks banging on the table as Blueberry and Butterfly eat their breakfast and make fine music. Other than that, the house is quiet. The big girls had a "sleep over" in the living room last night--birthday party celebration--and are all still sacked out on the floor. Peace.... 

OK, since I wrote the above, the two littles have now gotten up and are playing baby doll and tossing balls at each other. Not quite so peaceful any more, but happy. So that works for me.

Around the house...I need to tidy up and do some dishes. Also have a sack of clothes for Blueberry from the consignment sale I went to this week. Got some really cute items including a new bathing suit (complete with adorable coverup) and a raincoat that I'm praying she will fit into by our England trip in the fall. Any ways....digression of coats aside, i need to go through all the items, unsafety pin them all, and wash and store/hang up. In the cottage we have a busy day lined up as the girls are doing a grand clean-up/move rooms partially because they want to and partially because we're getting child number 9 on Wednesday of next week!

One of my favorite things...spending time with best friends on vacations! Last weekend we had a little get away to Eureka Springs with one of my best friends, her husband (also a good friend!) and their baby. Delightful. Lots of walking, game playing, cooking, sharing, and hot tubing.

A few plans for the rest of the week: get through today so I can go off duty tomorrow? :)

Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

Want to join in? Go check out The Simple Woman's Daybook.

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Blueberry Cottage Story

Blueberry and our two year old Butterfly are developing quite a love/hate relationship. Blueberry is not taking kindly to the fact that Butterfly is a very "pick me up and love on me" sort of two year old. Butterfly, while willing to be affectionate towards Blueberry, does not share nicely (but will happily abscond with Blueberry's toys!). End result, we've had to start teaching Blueberry that shoving people away and yelling at them is not nice and Butterfly that she needs to share. Butterfly also gives as good as she gets though with her incessant tattling (rather funny because her language skills are not that good and so it comes out something like" "Mama! Charlotte blah nah blah nah BAD!").

The other night, though, they bonded in quite an amusing fashion. I was trying to read them a bedtime story, and they would not settle down. Basically it came down to fighting for mommy's attention. I finally had enough of trying to get them to settle down. I stood up, closed the books, and walked out of the room. I wasn't really angry, but I did have stern face on, and they knew they were in trouble.

I went around the corner where I could hear them but they couldn't see me.

After a few minutes I could hear both girls: "Mama? Mama?"

I snuck further away into the kitchen. "Mama? Mama?" the plaintive questions continued.

Finally, after a few minutes they came out to find me. Hand in hand they looked at me and said, "Sorry, Mama." I found myself wavering between wanting to die laughing and burst into tears they were just so adorable.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Words at 19 Months

So we brainstormed tonight to figure out how many words Blueberry is actually speaking now. Below is the list as we could best figure it at this time (with specific pronunciations on some) . I keep remembering things she says regularly and adding them to the list.

  1. snack (‘nack)
  2. food (oof)
  3. breakfast
  4. marshmallow (mallow)
  5. egg
  6. banana (nana)
  7. cereal (‘ereal)
  8. salt
  9. I stuck (I ‘tuck)
  10. hello (ha lo)
  11. phone
  12. bye bye
  13. diaper (di do)
  14. potty
  15. ew
  16. bible
  17. book
  18. yuck (guck)
  19. uh oh
  20. nose
  21. eyes
  22. ears
  23. mouth
  24. teeth
  25. hair
  26. hands
  27. wash
  28. hat
  29. sock
  30. glasses (gasses)
  31. shoes (oosh)
  32. bear
  33. giraffe (‘raffe)
  34. doggy
  35. duck
  36. woof
  37. bed
  38. ni-night
  39. sleep
  40. nap
  41. mama
  42. daddy
  43. mommy
  44. papa
  45. nane (as in her Nana)
  46. cool
  47. whoa
  48. walk
  49. sucker
  50. horsey
  51. sheep
  52. baa
  53. water (‘ader)
  54. juice
  55. milk
  56. please
  57. thank you
  58. up
  59. down
  60. chair
  61. color
  62. slide (‘lide)
  63. baby
  64. hi
  65. whee
  66. look
  67. chip
  68. cracker
  69. cookie
  70. belly
  71. praise baby (similar to Baby Einstein but Christian praise music.)
  72. bunny
  73. jasmine
  74. Keisha
  75. fishy
  76. Skyler
  77. sarah
  78. keilee
  79. maria
  80. all done
  81. where gone (with raised hands and questioning look)
  82. sweep
  83. dust
  84. spoon
  85. I love you (iloyu)
  86. rub noses
  87. no
  88. yes
  89. ball
  90. flower (lower)
  91. butterfly
  92. fly
  93. dirty
  94. dry
  95. sticky
  96. car
  97. puppy
  98. kitty
  99. hot
  100. bath
  101. sit
  102. peanut butter
  103. I sorry
  104. pray
  105. amen
  106. Jesus
  107. rice
  108. show
  109. owie
  110. out
  111. in
  112. lalette (Charlotte)
  113. peekaboo
  114. jaht-ay
  115. blanket (banke)
  116. cup
  117. brush
  118. pretty
  119. apple
  120. more
  121. side (as in—change nursing sides please mommy—complete with delighted giggle as she gets her way)
  122. birdie
  123. tweet-tweet
  124. all better
  125. Eeyore
  126. poopy
  127. kindle (I kid you not)
  128. moon
  129. light
  130. drink
  131. laundry
  132. tissue (tish)
  133. strawberry (sa-berry)
  134. mine
  135. applesauce (at sauce)
  136. come here (mere)

Six More Months of Shuffle and Change

The last post I wrote was July 2018. We were settling into routine, finding a groove, and trying to fit our family of five into a two-bedroo...