Thursday, May 15, 2008


So over the last few years (with the help of Hillery and some other stuff), I've been researching and putting to use some home-made cleaning supplies. I'm really not a "green" person per say, but I do care about what it is I'm putting into my house and my own body in terms of lots of unnecessary chemicals and what-not. Also, it's so much cheaper to make your own cleaning supplies, and I've found research says that they do just as well (if not better) than chemically enhanced, company made products.

I've had several individuals ask me for the recipes I use, so I'm finally putting them on my blog. I would give you the web addresses for all of these except I can't find my original site for most of them! When I figure it out I will add it to the list. But for now, here are copies of my recipes under Finance and Frugality.

If you know of some better ideas for any of these, please let me know!

1 comment:

HAPTeach said...

I'm going to check it out! I've been reading up some lately on the same thing and the easiest ones I've found have just vinegar and baking soda. It'll be nice to get away from commercial cleaners.

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