Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daybook - January 27

Outside my a blue sky and not as cold of temperatures as it has been the last week. Meaning, it's in the 40's (or going to be later today) as opposed to the 20s or 30s. I will take this small relief. Blueberry and I might even brave the cold for a walk today.

I am thinking...that going grocery shopping is probably not going to happen today. It needs to very much so, but I just don't think it's doable.

I am thankful for...income to pay bills with. Even if the actual bill paying part isn't any fun.

From the learning rooms...[or in our case--the learning brain]...It's been a weird sort of week. She had a growth spurt in the last few days. This was definitely established by the fact that I put her in one pair of footed pajamas last week (0-3 month, the only pair in that size that still fit--runs a bit bigger than some of the others she had) and then put her in them a few days ago and Blueberry couldn't even straighten her leg out! She's been not wanting to nap very long, very clingy, randomly fussy. I chalked it up to the growth spurt originally, but I think she's teething as well as copious streams of drool will spill out of her mouth occasionally, making rather large puddles on my nice clean clothes. And she's back to biting on everything (not just sticking everything in her mouth but actually biting it) and coughing again (she had a weird little cough for a couple of weeks before the last tooth popped out. Apparently normal--caused by too much drool!). The frustrating thing is that teething seems to really trigger her acid reflux, so we've been dealing with that quite a bit as well. Poor baby doll.

From the's a no cook day. Well, mostly. I tried to make enough food earlier in the week so that we would have leftovers to eat up tonight, so I wouldn't have to try to cook before going to the studio. Success! Barely.

I am nicely hemmed yoga pants. Needed a good pair for teaching. The only workout pants I had were all culottes, and in this cold weather, it just wasn't working for me.

I am creating...some more scrapbook pages. Yes, yes. I'm having fun. Will post some more hopefully today or tomorrow.

I am the studio tonight. And going grocery shopping today in theory.

I am reading.. . The Double Comfort Safari Club of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series. Love those books. My sister bought me this one a few months ago and I forgot I had it! They're not thrilling adventures or anything, but I love the characters, setting, commentary. Delightful.

I am get our taxes done next week. Want to find out how that's going to look now we have a baby to claim.

I am hearing...a bit of fussing coming through the monitor. Sigh. 30 minutes is not a nap. Will someone please tell Blueberry that for me because apparently she's not buying it from me. Be back soon....................................... [later in the day]....................... I am now hearing the jingle of Charlotte playing with her wooden squishie toy thing (hmmm...spell check says that "squishie" is spelled with a "y" and not an "ie." But "ie" just looks so much more squishier than "squishy") .

Around the house...I'm considering some rearranging in order to best accommodate baby needs.

One of my favorite this store that I just ran across. It's called Shabby Apple and I'm seriously IN LOVE. Their dresses are absolutely gorgeous. Vintage look, modest, super stylish. Love, love, love!

Here are some links to some of the tantalizing dresses they have. Hmmm...I need a new dress for my sister's wedding......Must consider this idea more fully.

Cape Cod White Shirt Dress
Boat Neck Pin Stripe Italian Wool Dress
Navy Pleated Skirt Bow Dress
Navy Blue Double Breasted A-Line Wrap Dress
Yellow Pleated Summer Dress
Crepe de Chine Silk with Raglan Sleeves and Tie Back
Crepe de Chine Silk Dress with Full Skirt and Banded Waistline and Zipper Back

Great maternity dress:
Dark teal maternity Dress with long tie at waist

And some adorable little girl dresses!!
Brown Little Girl's Tunic Dress - Sonny & Cher
Red Flowered Girl's Dress with Patch Pockets and Bunched Sleeves- Queen of Hearts
Flowered Little Girl's Empire Waist Dress - Aviary
Patterned Little Girl's Tuxedo Ruffled Dress - Canary

A few plans for the rest of the week: finish paying the bills; go grocery shopping; go on a date!!!; lunch with some wonderful ladies; and of course some serious play time with Blueberry. Who is looking like the concept of rolling over back to front might become a reality someday here.

Here is picture (or more) for thought I am sharing...

Blueberry and friend

Why suck on your own toes when you can suck on Raggedy Ann's?

Want to join in? Go check out The Simple Woman's Daybook.

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